Do you need Planning Permission for a Pergola?

February 28th, 2023 by JamieAdmin

Planning guidelines regarding Pergolas are slightly blurred but generally (roughly 80% of the time) you will NOT need planning permission. Planning permission does differ from council to council but there are some common scenarios where you will require it; if you are in a protected conservation area such as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), your property is listed, or the structure is on the front of your property in an urban area. It is also important to note that if the structure is within 2 meters of the property boundary the maximum height allowed for a structure is 2.5 meters. Further away from the boundary, the maximum height limit increases to 3 meters.

The planning rules were altered in the town and country planning update post covid to allow more flexibility for businesses looking to utilise outdoor spaces.

We advise that you do consult your local planning authority, especially for large projects as it is always best to know exactly where you stand before committing to a substantial investment.

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